Sick of Picking Rocks Year After Year? Go S u b t e r r a n e a n
What is a Subterranean Rock Picker? A Subterranean Rock Picker will go a deep as 12 inches, leaving behind a rock free seedbed.
Questions? Call Nortec Product Support 715-623-6300

Seek answers to your product questions. Call Product Support Center and a representative will assist you. Whether you’re looking for the location of the nearest Nortec Dealer or you need help with parts and service. Call Product Support Center and a representative will assist you. 715-623-6300
When it comes to picking rocks from fields… nobody does it better than NORTEC!
The pictures on this web site do not do the Subterranean Rock Picker justice. They are HUGE! Take a look at this Rock Picker being shipped out. It takes up a complete semi and notice how large the tires are in relationship to the trailer bed.

Used Rock Pickers: Nortec has a market for used Rock Pickers. Weather it's a Subterranean or Surface Picker Nortec has a customer.
Call Product Support For More Information 715-623-6300
Call Product Support For More Information 715-623-6300
Nortec Rockpickers are built to work hard, last long and retain their value. Even after years of use, Nortec Rockpickers can be worth nearly as much and sometimes more than the original purchase price.
It's a common question: "does Nortec have USED Subterranean Rock Pickers or knows someone that has one?" The answer is NO. Several factors why there aren't used units on the market. First Factor: Subterranean Rock Picker owners know once they have purchased a unit, they do not get rid of them. First reason is for the application they purchased it for and once their done with the project the Rock Picker heads to storage. It may be in storage for years. The thought behind that is two part. All agree, the Nortec Subterranean Rock Picker is an amazing machine! Impressive to say the least and knowing this fact the owner just does not want to give up their rock picker. It's a case of when they need it, they've got it. Second Factor: If a Subterranean Rock Picker owner does sell the unit it is typically a local sale, they have several people standing in line to purchase the unit. Third Factor: A 25 or 30 year old Nortec Rock Picker will command a price that is not that far off of purchasing a new unit. If a Nortec Subterranean Rock Picker shows up on an auction bill it's featured as a one of the leading pieces of equipment. Speaking of auctions...people will drive great distance to attend the auction just for the chance to make a bid and to find out it went for an unheard of price!
Subterranean Rock Picker is an AMAZING machine. One of the most efficient ways of removing rock from the dirt, while at the same time conditioning the soil. The Nortec Subterranean Rock Picker can help you achieve a rock free field by separating valuable top soil from unwanted rocks, roots, and other debris.
With an adjustable digging depths of 2" to 8" this rugged machine knives through a 60 in path, digging out and efficiently conveying 2" to 18" rocks at the rate of 3 yards per minute.
With an adjustable digging depths of 2" to 8" this rugged machine knives through a 60 in path, digging out and efficiently conveying 2" to 18" rocks at the rate of 3 yards per minute.
NORTEC Subterranean Traditional Surface Rockpicker
Subterranean VS Surface Rock Pickers
The industry has two methods of collecting rocks. One is surface rocks only and the other is subterranean. Even though surface rock collection is normal in the industry, the preferred method is subterranean. Going subterranean is a much more efficient process than other methods where removing surface rock this year only to find out they resurface the next year. By going subterranean you are removing the sub surface rocks also.
Example of a Surface Picker

Reel-type machines pick only surface rock. This
leaves subsurface rock to work it's way up, so
fields need to picked continuously. The NORTEC
Rock picker clears both surface and subsurface,
eliminating the need to pick rock year after year.
leaves subsurface rock to work it's way up, so
fields need to picked continuously. The NORTEC
Rock picker clears both surface and subsurface,
eliminating the need to pick rock year after year.
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Video Subterranean vs Surface Rock Pickers

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Subterranean vs Surface Rock Pickers
Subterranean vs Surface Rock Pickers
Subterranean Rock Picker Markets and Applications
Farm field, clearing farm land, strip mines, reclamation, land reclamation, concrete debris, demolition, landscaping, golf course construction, junk yards, recycling yards, lot clearing, picking tree roots, landscaping, sports fields, sod and turf farms, athletic fields construction industry, building site, road construction, pasture development, site preparation, airstrips, horse tracks, race tracks, recreational trails and more!
Picks up rocks NOT dirt. Nortec rock pickers leave the soil in the field.
Notice in the picture below. In the foreground is a field in need of rock collection. In the background is a productive rock free field.
Removing stones from soil is an important part of farming, as it can improve the overall quality of soil. It’s estimated that around 10% of the world’s landmass is composed of rocks and stones. This means that for fields, removing stones from the soil can be essential for successful growth.
Sick of Picking Rocks Year After Year?
Go S u b t e r r a n e a n

Rocks climb to the surface of fields in the northern portion of the world because of the freeze-thaw cycle. When the soil freezes, ice crystals form under a rock and push it upward. When the soil thaws, ice around the rock melts first, allowing mud to seep into the void left by the ice. Depending on the weather, the process may be repeated several times a year, pushing rocks to the surface at a rate of a half-inch per year. Tillage equipment speeds this natural process up, depositing long-buried rocks on the surface.
High Speed Farming
Today's harvesting equipment has becoming larger and high speed farming requires a rock free field. Otherwise, you know what can happen. Breakdown, equipment damage, down time at the worst time just to name a few. More and more farmers are finding out just how important it is to have a rock free field. Preventing damage to an expensive piece of harvesting equipment not only saves you money, you will also be more efficient getting your crop out faster. The Nortec Subterranean Rockpicker can help you achieve a rock free field
Today's harvesting equipment has becoming larger and high speed farming requires a rock free field. Otherwise, you know what can happen. Breakdown, equipment damage, down time at the worst time just to name a few. More and more farmers are finding out just how important it is to have a rock free field. Preventing damage to an expensive piece of harvesting equipment not only saves you money, you will also be more efficient getting your crop out faster. The Nortec Subterranean Rockpicker can help you achieve a rock free field
Tab:100A 5 Series "BOX" 2 Bed
60 to 100 Plus Horse Power Tractors 540 PTO
Box Only No Option for a Boom.
Box Only No Option for a Boom.

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5 Series: Easy Load and Transport. Pictured Below on a normal car hauler trailer.
Tab:100B 8 Series "BOX" or "Boom CONVEYOR" 3-Bed
125hp to 200hp Tractors 1000 PTO
Offered in both Box or Boom-Conveyor Models.
Offered in both Box or Boom-Conveyor Models.
Tab:100C 10 Series "BOX" or "Boom CONVEYOR" 4-Bed
109 Series 4 Bed 109" Processing Intake
200A BOX
200B Conveying Boom "Foldable"

Nortec Subterranean Rock Picker / Material Processor
84C 3 Bed with Conveyor. Note: The clinking sound is the shakers in action.
84C 3 Bed with Conveyor. Note: The clinking sound is the shakers in action.

Processing Unit - Digger Bed - Rock Removal

Nortec Subterranean Rock Picker / Material Processor
109C 4 Bed with Conveyor. Note: The clinking sound is the shakers in action.
1.3 MPH Processing Action. Notice: How smooth it operates.
109C 4 Bed with Conveyor. Note: The clinking sound is the shakers in action.
1.3 MPH Processing Action. Notice: How smooth it operates.
200B Boom
300 Processing Chain
Choose From: Hook Chain "Standard Equipment" OR Belted Chain Special Applications
300A Hook Chain
Hook Chain has been used as a standard for conveying produce, rocks, trash, and many other products. Its primary use is in severe applications where strength, toughness, stiffness, and durability are required.
Pictured Below is a example of Hook Chain
300B Belted Chain
The name may be confusing. BELTED CHAIN There are 2 Rubber belts left and right. Then a steel rod gets attached in 2 ways. Riveted or Bolted.
Pictured Below is a example of Special Applications Belted Chain
Operation Walk Around
Digger Bed
The Soil Processor: The digger blade cuts into the ground, scooping in material such as dirt, sand, clumps, rocks, wood and debris. Once the scooping action occurs now the processing action starts. There will be a build up on the front cutter blade. The chain rotates around collecting and moving the material onto the bed. This is the start of the cleaning action. Immediately the processed dirt will start to sift through the digger links back onto the surface. This action will occur the full length of the bed. As the material starts working its way up the digger bed, the material load gets reduced. Reason being is the dirt is being separated from the rocks and debris. It's like magic watching the processing action. The first 25% of material build up you will not see processing action happening, BUT it is! Then about about 50% up the digger bed the magic happens. You can see dirt being removed and just the rocks are exposed. Between 50% and 75% up the digger bed, this is referred to as the happy zone where the magic happens in this area. The last 25% is what you need to watch for. In this area it is letting the operator know if he / she can speed up or needs to slow down to allow for material processing action more time. It's a simple as seeing if the desired cleaning action is up to standards. The last 25% serves one other function, where at the top of the incline there will be rock falling downwards. This is good. Reason being if you have sod clumps, wet soil, corn stalks with dirt in the root system the tumbling rocks will make contact with with these items and also aid in dirt separation. You do NOT have to run the tractor at full power or rated PTO speed. The sweet spot is around 1500 to 1800 rpm. Now if you need more processing action is a simple as increasing your PTO speed or gearing down. The hook chain by nature has a bounce. The hook chain is supported by underneath carry up "supporting rollers". There is also a natural chain bounce between these rollers aiding in the cleaning action. As standard equipment there are a set of shakers installed on the digger bed to make an aggressive bounce. If your application needs more shakers they are available through the parts department. On the boom models, because of the elevator, this has a dual processing action. Once the rocks fall onto the the boom chain the cleaning action starts all over again, dual cleaning. Notice the riser link on chain. This aids in moving the material up the digger bed. Common question asked, "why do you not use belted chain in this area?" Simple answer: belted chain runs too smooth we need the bouncing action.

Click on the below video
Let the Magic Begin Video. Notice the processing action.
The method of the dirt disappearing and leaving the rock behind for collection.
NOTE: Video is from one of our non-current Rock Pickers.
Let the Magic Begin Video. Notice the processing action.
The method of the dirt disappearing and leaving the rock behind for collection.
NOTE: Video is from one of our non-current Rock Pickers.

Click on the below video
Upper Processing Action
NOTE: Video from one of our non-current Rock Pickers.
Upper Processing Action
NOTE: Video from one of our non-current Rock Pickers.

Click on the below video
Clam Shell Rock Dumping
NOTE: Video from one of our non-current Rock Pickers.
Clam Shell Rock Dumping
NOTE: Video from one of our non-current Rock Pickers.
Choose from either a Boom "Conveyor" Or Box
Common question Box or Boom? Both concepts have their place and purpose. If you're looking for production the boom is 5 times faster than a box. BUT... You need dump trucks to haul the material off the field. If your a single person operation then the box is the way to go. One other huge factor to take into consideration is the fact the box is a one stage cleaning system the boom is a two stage. Both the box and boom offer the digger bed as the first stage. With the boom the first stage (digger) dumps into the second stage (boom) for twice the cleaning. Because of the second stage cleaning system you can increase your tractor speed. Let me further explain, as material is flowing up the digger the bottom one third is the collection area. Material is being collected to start the cleaning process. As the material flows up the elevator material such as dirt is being processed out. Towards the top 1/4 you should see clean material. On a box, if you see the top 1/4 you're seeing non-cleaned material that's an indication you need to slow down. On the boom model there is no need to slow down because of the second cleaning stage. Rule of thumb is the boom model is about 30% to 40% faster in ground speed.
Auto Boom: Power "Hydraulic" Fold
The all new Auto Boom has some serious advancements in design. First: the hydraulic motor has been relocated to the bottom. On past models it was located at the top in a high damage area. Second: more positive drive and more power. The non current series had hook chain. There are several disadvantages to hook chain in this area. First: wear, the belted chain will out live hook chain many times over in this application. Second: when using belted chain there is little to no maintenance in this application. Third: Belted chain can run at a much higher rate of speed than the lower cost chain version. Higher speed allows for more work being done. The Auto Boom folds inwards for easy transport and/or storage.

Click on the below video
Clam Shell Rock Dumping
Clam Shell Rock Dumping
Rock Collection Box
The Box has its' place. If you're a one person Rock Picking operation and time is not a factor, then the box is right for you. Also in commercial operations such as ball fields, sub division clean up, riff rock harvesting and landscaping, the box is the way to go. One other factor is the box is about 23% less expensive in cost.

Off-the-road tires or, OTR tires, are built to take a massive amount of weight and roll through conditions that would stop most tires.
All tires are NEW... Not used, not repurposed, not rethreads...NEW!
All tires are NEW... Not used, not repurposed, not rethreads...NEW!
Digger front is engineered and designed to take punishment. Several improvements have been made in this area. First off the clean design. Second the all new replaceable side tooth. The side tooth is the first point of contact. Also aids in digger stabilization. Notice we moved the digger blade forward. Much more efficient material flow onto digger chain. Cuts down on material spillage by 50%. This is one of the areas that has allowed us to be more efficient and increase field speed. Also the digger stabilization tooth is now replaceable.
Digger Chain: 2 different chains are offered. 1 in and a 1.56 in pitch chain. The 1 in pitch will filter out smaller rocks and debris. 1.56 1-1/2 in pitch is a more forgiving size. This chain pitch is more suited for heavy soil conditions. 1 in rod dia is 7/16 1.56 rod dia is 1/2". Width is 25 in wide.
Why the new models 25" wide chain and the old series was 30". That did increase the cost factor because of today's higher horse power tractors. Plus there is more pulling power in a 25" chain than a 30" chain. Instead of 4 top drive sprocket the new style has 6 drive sprocket.
NOTICE the shaker. Talked about in the Soil Processing Action.
NORTEC Quality

At NORTEC we have researched the best of the best in the industry to supply us with the highest quality hook chain and belted chain at at an affordable price.
Nortec hook and belt chain are made from the highest grade iron. To provide long life.
EXCLUSIVE NORTEC special patterns are properly engineered for maximum performance.
Nortec hook and belt chain are made from the highest grade iron. To provide long life.
EXCLUSIVE NORTEC special patterns are properly engineered for maximum performance.
Sprockets - Shakers - Rollers - Idlers

Demands on the Nortec Rockpicker components, failure is not an option. Nortec parts are designed to take the loads and strains of today's high horse power tractors. Dependability are key components to successful rock picking operations.
Sprockets play an integral role in the Rock picker. Nortec sprockets provide long life and accurate pitch integrity to reduce operational costs.
Shakers are made to separate dirt and other materials from the rock picker. By lifting and dropping the rod chain this creates a shaking action. Made for a wide range of rock picking conditions.
Heat- treated steel for durability and better rod vibration.
High durability, easy bearing replacement. Aggressive to very gentle shaking action.
Sprockets play an integral role in the Rock picker. Nortec sprockets provide long life and accurate pitch integrity to reduce operational costs.
Shakers are made to separate dirt and other materials from the rock picker. By lifting and dropping the rod chain this creates a shaking action. Made for a wide range of rock picking conditions.
Heat- treated steel for durability and better rod vibration.
High durability, easy bearing replacement. Aggressive to very gentle shaking action.
Land Tillage Preparation
Land needs to be loosened before rock removal process may being.
Loosen dirt / material slightly deeper then depth of rock removal. Mark any dead-heads you may come across.
See below for examples.
Loosen dirt / material slightly deeper then depth of rock removal. Mark any dead-heads you may come across.
See below for examples.
Action Pictures
From this point down.
From this point down.
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You Tube / Nortec usa

Nortecusa subscribed to a You Tube channel Go To: You Tube, Type in nortecusa
Featured Videos
Nortec usa Subterranean Rockpickers DVD For Dealers 130830
Featured Videos
Nortec usa Subterranean Rockpickers DVD For Dealers 130830
You Tube Video Nortec Subterranean Rock Picker processing and clearing basketball size rocks off farm field.
YouTube Video Nortec Subterranean Rock Picker Customer Version
YouTube Nortec Suberranean Rockpicker Video Dealer Version
You Tube Video: Nortec RP210c Suberranean Rock Picker In Action

Questions, Call Nortec Product Support Center 715-623-6300
Subterranean Rockpicker

The Nortec Subterranean Rockpicker can help you achieve a rock free field.
Separating valuable top soil from unwanted rocks, roots, and other debris.
With an adjustable digging depths of 2" to 8" this rugged machine knives through a 60 in path, digging out and efficiently conveying 2" to 18" rocks at the rate of 3 yards per minute.
Separating valuable top soil from unwanted rocks, roots, and other debris.
With an adjustable digging depths of 2" to 8" this rugged machine knives through a 60 in path, digging out and efficiently conveying 2" to 18" rocks at the rate of 3 yards per minute.
Rock Free Fields... Picture Below is showing the processing unit..
Separating valuable top soil from unwanted rocks, roots, and other debris.
Picks up rocks NOT dirt. Nortec rock pickers leaves your soil in the field.
Picks up rocks NOT dirt. Nortec rock pickers leaves your soil in the field.
Remove sub-surface rock measuring 2-18" in diameter Standard Models. 2-24" in diameter Industrial Models.

Customers count on NORTEC as a dependable source of products, services and solutions to meet their needs.
Model RC 200 2-Bed, Standard Conveying Boom
Model RB 200 2-Bed, Standard Box 2-Yard Hopper
Model RB 100 High Lift 2-Bed, Box
Model 1-1/2 Yard Hopper RCI 200 2-Bed, Industrial Conveying Boom
Model RBI 200 2-Bed, Industrial Box 5-Yard Hopper
Modle RCI 300 3-Bed, Industrial Conveying Boom
Model RBI 300 3-Bed, Industrial Box 6-Yard Hopper
Model RB 200 2-Bed, Standard Box 2-Yard Hopper
Model RB 100 High Lift 2-Bed, Box
Model 1-1/2 Yard Hopper RCI 200 2-Bed, Industrial Conveying Boom
Model RBI 200 2-Bed, Industrial Box 5-Yard Hopper
Modle RCI 300 3-Bed, Industrial Conveying Boom
Model RBI 300 3-Bed, Industrial Box 6-Yard Hopper

Nortec introduces the next generation in Subterranean Rock Picker. Delivering value - performance - uptime. Truly a high performance Rock Picker.
New- Adjustable Boom.
Take a look at Nortec's New RP m-series.
New- Adjustable Boom.
Take a look at Nortec's New RP m-series.
NEW NEW NEW NEW..... Generation 2 RP210m Series
RP210m Base Unit
RP210mb 3 Yard Box With Clam Shell Dump Box
RP210mc Conveyor Boom "Fixed"
RP210ma Conveyer Boom "Adjustable"
RP210mw Windrower
RP210mb 3 Yard Box With Clam Shell Dump Box
RP210mc Conveyor Boom "Fixed"
RP210ma Conveyer Boom "Adjustable"
RP210mw Windrower
Pictures of Model Line
Choose either a Boom "Conveyor" Style or Hopper "Box" Style Machine.
Nortec Box 1 1/2 Yard, 3 Yard, 5 Yard
Nortec Boom "Conveyor" Choose from either Fixed or the all NEW Adjustable Boom
Digger Bed and Primary Rock Processor
Conveyor: Hook Chain - Belted Chain
Choose from either hook or belted chain. Chain has been used as a standard for conveying produce, rocks,trash, and many other products. Its primary use is in-severe applications where strength, toughness, stiffness, and durability are required. Construction is individually heat treated steel links
hooked together to form a continuous conveyor.
Exclusive POWER TEC - Power Match Drive System From NORTEC

Innovative power transmission
Nortec Exclusive POWER TEC matched drive system. Most manufactures purchased there drive components from several manufactures. PTO from one manufacture, Gear Box from another. Slip clutch is sourced out from a after market vendor. It's a miss-matched system.
Nortec's POWER TEC drive system is a match drive system sourced out from one manufacture. Properly engineered for maximum performance.
POWER TEC provides the highest level of customer satisfaction and performance.
Nortec Exclusive POWER TEC matched drive system. Most manufactures purchased there drive components from several manufactures. PTO from one manufacture, Gear Box from another. Slip clutch is sourced out from a after market vendor. It's a miss-matched system.
Nortec's POWER TEC drive system is a match drive system sourced out from one manufacture. Properly engineered for maximum performance.
POWER TEC provides the highest level of customer satisfaction and performance.
Have it your way performance options. Not all Nortec options are need in all applications. If you need it Nortec provides it. Most options are offered as field installed options. Have it your way, factory installed or field installed.
Roll Back Preventor

If your in hills you will want this option. On the down ward travel, there is a possibility rock could fall forward. This options helps in rock flow up and into the box or boom.
Rock Guards

Rock Guards
RP210m NEW Generation 2 NORTEC Rockpicker

Introducing the NEW Generation 2 NORTEC Rock Picker
With over 30 years of Rock Picker experience Nortec is pleased to announce the Second Generation Rock Picker. The best just got better.
With over 30 years of Rock Picker experience Nortec is pleased to announce the Second Generation Rock Picker. The best just got better.
Thanks to Computer-aided design (CAD) systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis and optimization. Generation 2 offers the most precise NORTEC Rockpicker ever produced. Processes, dimensions and tolerances are application-specific to each and every Rock Picker. Along with Total Quality Management. QA includes management of the quality of raw materials, assemblies, products and components, services related to production, and management, production and inspection processes.
Customer driven design. Interviews, surveys, focus groups, customer observation all played a big part in the second generation Nortec Rockpicker.
NEW Nortec RP210mb 2-Bed 60in, with Collection Box
NEW RP210mc 2-Bed 60in, with Adjustable Boom
NEW T-Drive Option for RP210 m-series Nortec Rock Picker

You asked for it, Nortec did it.
Introducing the new T-drive line system.
Designed for higher horse powered tractors.
Notice the straight up the middle, T-drive power delivery drive system.
Introducing the new T-drive line system.
Designed for higher horse powered tractors.
Notice the straight up the middle, T-drive power delivery drive system.
Export and Shipping
Exporting heavy equipment can be challenging because you must follow both export and import regulations. In addition, shipping heavy equipment gets very expensive. The NEW Nortec RP m-series solves this problem. Exporting heavy equipment is an easy process for the Nortec RP m-series Rock Picker. Bolt together design makes for a affordable shipping. The G2 design makes it possible to partially dismantle the rock picker. Container shipping is the most economical way to ship heavy equipment internationally. Reassemble of the Nortec Rock Picker is easy and efficient. 2-people 8 hours or less.
Nortec Video: Rockpicker in Horse Arena Application
RP330ib 3-Bed Industrial Rock Picker Generation 2
NORTEC Ginseng Digger

Hard Working
Long Lasting
Long Lasting
Shipping and Transportation: Ginseng and Root & Vegetable Diggers