Welcome to the world of electric actuators. Nortec Engineering has spent over 12 years developing and working with several electric actuators manufactures on this concept. We discovered the technology out of necessity when two projects required a lifting, lowering, pushing, or pulling solution where hydraulic cylinders were not feasible due to power source requirements (Hydraulic's). At that time, electric linear actuators were in their early stages. We needed an electric actuator to replace a 2”x8” hydraulic cylinder. Industry began addressing this issue. Today, electric actuators have advanced significantly and are now practical for many applications. A crucial component is the controllers, which must work in harmony with the actuators to ensure effective system performance.

Click on Video below for a quick introduction to Electric Actuators.
Example of Application a Electric Actuator Would be used in.
Notice both the front and rear actuators. Offered in different sizes for application fit up.
Notice both the front and rear actuators. Offered in different sizes for application fit up.